Unrivaled Data Quality for the Highest Reliability and Reproducibility

Spike Sorter

Spike Sorter 2018-10-02T05:09:09+00:00

Spike Sorter

For recording and analysis of neuronal spikes


  • Extractions of spikes exceeding user-defined thresholds.
  • Set thresholds by either:
    • moving bars at the all channels (or single channel) display
    • typing numbers in the chart
    • a percentage of the standard deviation of baseline noise level
  • Spike sorting based on waveform similarities.
  • Spike frequency analysis at all channels and build of their cumulative plots.
  • Easy-to-set acquisition parameters.
  • Export raw data by binary or ASCII text file (csv).
  • Export:
    • extracted spikes waveforms,
    • time stamps for extracted spikes,
    • spike frequency chart as ASCII text file (csv).
Spike Extractions
Spike extractions
Spike Analysis
Spike sorting and spike frequency analysis
Alpha MED Scientific Inc.
209 Saito Bio-incubator 7-7-15,
Saito-asagi, Ibaraki Osaka 567-0085, Japan.
Email: support@med64.com
Phone: +81-72-648-7973