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Changes in DRG neural activity induced by high temperature or Capsaicin

//Changes in DRG neural activity induced by high temperature or Capsaicin
Changes in DRG neural activity induced by high temperature or Capsaicin 2018-10-02T05:09:07+00:00

Changes in DRG neural activity induced by high temperature or Capsaicin

DRG Capsaicin

Rat DRG neurons are cultured on a MED Probe (4 days in culture) and changes of spontaneous firings with temperature variation and administration of Capsaicin is observed.

A: a: Spontaneous firing recorded from 1 electrode at 37 ̊ and 43.8 ̊C. b: Raster plots for distribution of extracted spikes across multiple selected electrodes. Spike frequencies increase as temperature rises.

B: a: Spontaneous firing recorded from 1 electrode before and after administration of Capsaicin (100 nM). b: Raster plots for distribution of extracted spikes across multiple selected electrodes. Capsaicin increases firing rate remarkably.

Courtesy of Dr. Ikuro Suzuki, Tohoku Institute of Technology
Alpha MED Scientific Inc.
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